Remade is the name of our High School youth group here at RVCC. High School is an exciting and challenging time. It a time where you are often faced with the questions of who you are and what you believe. Our goal here at Remade is to be a place where you can come and face those questions surrounded and encouraged by a group of people who want to point you to Jesus.
Youth Group Times
High School (9th - 12 Grades) Wednesdays from 7:00 - 9:00
Jr High (7th-8th Grades) currently combined with High School on Wednesdays from 7-9pm.
What to Expect
We hang out, eat delicious snacks, play crazy games, worship our Creator, and study His Word together!
Besides the normal youth group nights we often have special events like: Redneck night, Luau Night, Pond Days, Beach Trips, Ski Trips, and a yearly mission trip to Mexico!